Thursday, August 20, 2009

Stress and blessing of a New Baby

I think that we can all agree that nothing can bring more happiness and more stress to a home than the addition of a new baby. Over this past weekend, we had some friends over who are expecting and the topic of the new nursery came up. We spoke of how windchimes, like our Goose Rock Designs glass windchimes, are becoming increasingly popular gifts for new parents to spruce up the nursery décor. These mobiles are handcrafted glass wind chimes and can bring sound and color into any décor, but they can be especially useful in the nursery because windchimes – both glass and metal - fascinate infants visually and stimulates their auditory system (not to mention the calming sounds of a classic metal windchime can calm a frazzled parents nerves!). Wind chimes make soft sounds that are pleasing to baby's ears and can help them drift off to sleep.

We’ve talked about Feng Shui previously and there is a growing segment of the new mom population that believes that strategically placed wind chimes can help calm babies, bring peace to the home, and promote learning. Placed in the western side of the home, the direction generally regarded as relating to children, windchimes are thought to promote health and well-being in children and bring creativity to all inhabitants of the home. Wind chimes are tuned to promote good energy and stimulate the imagination. The positive energy attracted by the windchime can help calm a baby and protect them from negativity. If you have older children, bringing more positive energy into the home can help ensure they grow up to be honorable individuals. Still trying? Placing a windchime in western-facing window is thought to help promote fertility. Windchimes are a perfect gift, especially for a new baby, for their aesthetic quality and their multi-sensory appeal!

1 comment:

  1. good day i agree with your post its nice to hear the tinkling of the wind chimes which attract anyone who can hear of it. adding up for example the wind spinners they captivate the attention of anyone because of it color and movement . thank you.
