Wednesday, July 1, 2009

History of Wind Chimes

We love Wind Chimes. It was for that reason we thought to start this blog and the reason we decided to open a WindChime Store. The wind chime has a long and varied history. We’d like to share some of that history with you today.

The wind chime is a product of many cultures and many times. We all know that the songs of the wind chimes are enjoyable and help us to relax, but wind chimes had other uses in the past. Our ancestors had a practical use for windchimes, which was weather forecasting. Obviously, they didn’t have all the intricate forecasting equipment in the old days that we have today, so they used a wind chime. Here’s how it worked. The wind chime was hung in a place where the wind could pass through unobstructed. If they noticed a small change in the wind chime song, they could determine the direction the wind was blowing from and how hard the wind was blowing; the louder the chime song, the more intense the storm. Fishermen relied on a simple windchime to warn them when not to go to sea and it may have saved their lives.

The belief in Feng Shui suggests that a wind chime can balance the forces that exist around us and therefore create harmony in our homes. Historians say that centuries ago in Asian countries the most common reason to hang a wind chime in your home was to get rid of the evil spirits and invite good spirits inside. Some believe that windchimes bring forth good health and good luck, so who wouldn’t want to hang a wind chime in their home or garden? We all could use some of that!

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